FengChia Featured

Feng Chia University Leads International Education, Deepens Collaboration with Australia's Top 100 Universities


This year, with the full support of the Australian Office, Feng Chia University has fully launched academic exchanges with Australian universities. On September 27, 2024, the Australian Education Exhibition was specially held at Feng Chia University, a benchmark university for Taiwan-Australia international cooperative education.

FengChia Featured

TSMC 2025 Pre-Registration Recruitment Event - Feng Chia University Exclusive


Since 2020, Feng Chia University and TSMC have co-hosted multiple corporate briefings and resume clinics. On September 25, 2024, the TSMC mobile recruitment vehicle returned to Feng Chia campus to officially launch the "Pre-Registration Program" for 2025 graduates, holding a physical event in front of the Administration Building 1 and Zhongqin Building Plaza to pre-hire like-minded partners to join TSMC.

FengChia Featured

A Win-Win Collaboration between Feng Chia University and the National Institute for Cybersecurity


In 2023, Feng Chia University signed an industry-academia cooperation memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the National Institute for Cybersecurity, and from August 16 to September 20 this year, they co-hosted the "Advanced Cybersecurity Leadership Program" in central Taiwan for the first time.

替代能源及碳中和論壇在逢甲 聚焦淨零


本校與泰國湄州大學(Maejo University)緊密合作 再續5年計畫


本校與義大利CNR-IIA簽署聯合研究MOU 深化綠能、材料、AI、GIS及社會創新五領域


用綠實力向國際發聲 綠色產品研究中心主辦疫後首場大型APEC能源工作小組實體研討會


逢甲大學主辦2022 APEC YES Challenge 本校跨國學生團隊獲得第一名殊榮


荒地中的綠能工廠 逢甲國際產學合作 生質能源模廠運行大成功
