Manado - The City Government (Pemkot) of Manado under the leadership of Mayor DR Ir GS Vicky Lumentut SH MSI DEA and Deputy Mayor Mor Dominus Bastiaan SE, applying the Smart City or Smart City concept by continuing to innovate, one of which is the development of new renewable energy utilization. This was seen when the Manado City Government in collaboration with Feng Chia University held an Manado international seminar Reaching The Dream of Renewable Energy, in the Multipurpose Room of Manado Mayor's Office, Friday (24/08) this morning.
In his remarks Mayor Vicky Lumentut, represented by Vice Mayor Mor explained, to overcome the limitations of energy globally that threaten the survival of future generations, the development and utilization of new renewable energy is needed.
"There are 8 aspects of the Smart City concept namely smart governance or smart governance, smart infrastructure or smart infrastructure, smart technology or smart technology, smart mobility or smart mobility, smart healthcare or smart health services, smart energy or smart energy, smart building or smart development and smart citizen or smart community, "said Vice Mayor Mor.
Further said, Manado City Government always tries to adopt and develop information technology, both in the governance system and energy resources so that the quality of life of the people will be better.
"Stop dreaming, it's time to action, it's time to reach our dreams, stop dreaming, it's time to act, it's time to reach a dream," said the Vice Mayor.
He also thanked the academy for inviting local governments to continue using technology. "Right now, very few areas use technology. If we have a commitment, it must start now. Thank you to academics who collaborate and invite local governments not to be tired of using technology, "said the Vice Mayor.
Appearing as a resource person at the seminar supported by the APEC Research Center of Advent Biohydrogen Technology (ACABT), CEO of APEC ACABT / FCU Dean College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Shu Yii Wu from Taiwan, Indonesia Branch on Advanced Biohydrogen APEC ACABT / LIPI Researcher ( Indonesian Research Institute for Research) Dr Dwi Susilaningsih, Head of Bioenergy Engineering Section of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) RI Zulfan Zul ST MBA, and Head of the Manado City Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bappelitbangda) DR Liny Tambajong ST MSi.
After opening the Vice Mayor, who was also attended by the Manado Regional Secretary, Dr Piter KB Assa, the event continued with the exchange of souvenirs as well as the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ACABT represented by APEC ACABT CEO / College of Engineering Dean FCU Prof. Dr. Shu Yii Wu with Manado City Government represented by Vice Mayor Mor. (JM)